What FFC Is All About
It really isn’t complicated. At Feline Friendly Care, we want nothing more than for every owner and every cat to have a long and happy relationship. Even though most cats wouldn’t admit it, they really do need us as much as we need them. Independence is all well and good until you can’t open a pouch of kitty food.
The brains behind FFC is Dr Kim Kendall. Kim has been a vet for many years, specialising in cat care for the majority of that time. She is also the world’s foremost authority on cat behaviour, and serves on many advisory panels on both cat and general veterinary topics.
Dr Kim thinks cats are far superior to people, in every way, and has spent a great deal of her career proving it. Her, and our, aim is to help owners and vet care professionals to have the knowledge they need to keep our cats safe and healthy. Our approach is simple, and it is through the following three things –
Knowledge, as they say, is power. So, if a little knowledge is good, then more must be better.
You can read more about Dr Kim, along with how – and why – we reached this point.
“My husband said it was him or the cat
I miss him sometimes”