Hot Tips for Cool Cats


Introduction: As the temperatures rise, so does the concern for our furry companions. Cats, in particular, are sensitive to the sweltering heat, making them vulnerable to dehydration and heat stroke. In this article, we’ll explore how climate change affects our feline friends, especially as they age, and provide

Hot Tips for Cool Cats2023-08-22T16:50:58+00:00

Why Fishy Breath Isn’t Normal For Any Cat


Introduction: Have you ever marveled at your cat’s impressive set of teeth? These tiny wonders aren’t just for show – they are finely tuned instruments evolved over millions of years to turn your furry friend into a top-notch predator. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at

Why Fishy Breath Isn’t Normal For Any Cat2023-08-22T16:51:41+00:00

How Arthritis Affects Young Cats As Well As Old


Introduction: Have you noticed your usually sprightly feline friend becoming a bit of a couch potato lately? Is that graceful leap onto the kitchen bench now more of a hesitant scramble? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Just like us, cats can feel the effects of aging, and even

How Arthritis Affects Young Cats As Well As Old2023-08-22T16:51:55+00:00
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